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Music Playlist at MixPod.com

[#o1] Welcome to mah bloggy
[#o2] Do not rip anything off
[#o3] Whats here remains here
[#o4] No vulgarities
[#o5] Leave if you're unhappy

The Girl

Clare' aka Clarice (欣阳)
` ChongFu Pri Sch
` Canberra Sec Sch
` 1e4'o5 <3
` 2e4'o6 <3
` 3e1'o7
` 4e1'o8
` Scorpio
` Female(Of course)
` Fan Tong xD
` "Mother" of 4 "adopted" daughters =X
` NPCC Cadet
` NPCC Senior NCO
` Just me :)

God ♥♥♥
Animals =3
The Verdict

<2nd Blog
<Canberra NPCC Blog
<FAITHangelx website
<YJC CTG 111
Chin Chang
HuiYing(Group 3 ATC)
Ian Wong (Aplha)
Peng Hui
|| ShaWn ||
Thamhin[blog 1]
Thamhin[blog 2]


Layout ©

ME. kynzgerl
CODES. manikka
The 2 paper heart: moargh.de
Wednesday, December 31, 2008

alright ppl, pigpig is missing once again, 1 day b4 the new yr -.-

and to add on to the prob, my mummy is holding a countdown party tonight.

wad if those kids happen to find them and play roughly wif her or the adults hu are afraid of rodents or irritated wif them throw her away?

pigpig's way of dying wld be so gruesome T.T

ahhhhh no moood to go out wif aplha becoz of this...

surely my mind will be wondering around looking for pigpig.

aaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh -.-

Friday, December 26, 2008

ok this is wayyyyyyy overdue lols.
ps penguin :x

Tagged by penghui to do this survey.
A. People who have been tagged must write their answer in their blog
B. Tag 8 people to do this quiz and those who are tagged cannot refuse. These ppl must state who they're tagged by & cannot tag the person who they were tagged by.
C. Continue this game by sending this to 8 other people: Just do it if you feel like it (:

1. What have you been doing recently?
-goin for meetings for npcc stuff.

2. Do you ever turn your cell phone off?
- mmmmm...hardly. o.O except during CIBTC. phone was practically dead lols.

3. What happened at 10 am today?
- the continuation of a rotting body infront of the computer

4. When did you last cry?
- mmm..can i not mention it? lols. brings bak soooo bad memories x.x

5. Believe in fate/destiny?
- nah. i believe in God and wherever He takes me i will follow (:

6. What do you want in your life now?
- something to fill my heart which is currently a cold dark void x.x

7. Do you tend to make relationships complicated?
- i wld say...yes LOLs. but obviously i try not to.

8. Are you wearing anything you borrowed from someone?
- currently no. and ive yet to return momo's dress. all the more momo shld come bak to sg ASAP b4 i send it to the shredder or just use it for campfire xD

9. What was the last movie you watched?
- Madagascar 2. the cute little furry thing...AHHH JUST CUTE! <3

10. Does the person you like knows that you like him/her?
- ques not applicable to me. Lols.

11. Who always makes you laugh?
- friends.mmm.. Wondered wad happened to the laughter in my family.

12. Do you speak languages other than english?
- aiya…consider the ans to this ques as a no. LOLs.

13. Favourite website(s)?
- no particular fav webby.

14. What are you doing tomorrow?
- Go to church. Sheesh..like..FINALLY.

15. Who do you wanna be like?
- the ppl whom I look upon. And of course Jesus Christ (:

16. Who will you choose to die with?
- hu else but myself? As if I have a choice. i cant tell the grim reaper to pause and gimme time to grab someone right?

17. Where have you been today?
- yishun park. Maybe northpoint ltr. Den sembawang.

18. What game do you play often?
- dun play games tt often anymore.

19. Who are you missing right now?
- MY SQUADMATES AND FRENS FRM CIBTC D08. And b4 I get hammered by someone…MOMO! :D

20. If you have to choose between a friend and a lover, who will you choose?
- I’ll see hu’s more trustworthy b4 I make any decisions. Besides y wld I wanna choose between them? Its allll abt balance.

21. What are you doing right now?
- using the com now, duh.

22. Which primary school were you from?
- ChongFu Primary School.

23. Name three colours you like.
- bright colours.

24. What emotion do you like to show?
- ask my frens lol.

25. What is life to you?
- everything. He gave me life. All the more I shld treasure it.

26. If you have something troubling you, what will you do?
- go somewhere and EMO. Lols. Tts if Ive the time to do tt. If not I’ll just pray.

27. Who did you last chat with on msn today?
- Suriyani frm CIBTC :D

28. Who do you admire the most?
- mmm…CIBTC d08 instructors?

29. Which month are you born in?
-november. (momo has already filled this in for me )

30. How are you feeling right now?
- empty. As if im in the midst of falling in a bottomless pit >.>

31. What is the time now?
-12:00 PM. eh zhun leh! xD

32. Your opinion on the person who tagged you.
- CHIOBU. guys u shld see her in the dress as she attended the wedding the other day. lols. not to mention she is talkative, lovable(ahemm..:x), and well..she has a pretty hyped up personality lols.

33. What colour do you like to dye your hair?
- eww momo y did u put pink? LOLs. i wld dye my hair...BLACK :D

34. Why are you doing this test?
- becoz it wun be nice if i dun respond to penguin's request lols.

35. What do you do when you're moody?
- wad else but to stare into space and emo lol. den i'll start the wholleee reminiscing -.-

36. At which stage do you wish to get married?
- wow..there are stages? O.O 1,2,3,4,5? lmao. when both are rdy, tt'll be the time lols.

37. Who is closer to you?
- momo. even though shes not here physically, we will always be connected wif our hearttsssss. *GOOSEBUMPS* taboleh tahan.

38. If today is the last day of your life, what will you do?
- start reading the bible and doing everything good LOLs. nah..dun leave everything till the last min and dun do good things just becoz it will benefit u lol. lets see..wad'll i do? i'll pray and hope tt the people hu loved me will have the strength to move on with life when im gone lols. other stuff tt i wld do..it wld be a secret between God and i.

39. Who is/are the people/person you trust the most?
- for me to noe, for u to find out lol.

40. Do you believe in seeing the rainbow after the rain?
- like..do i have a choice in not believing tt? LOLs. its right b4 my eyes sometimes after the rain for pete's sake >.>

41. If you have a dream come true, what would it be?
- to have courage

42. What is your goal for next year?
- for me to noe , for u to find out. lol.

43. Do you believe in eternity love?
- yups

44. What feeling do you love the most?
- one of them will be the feeling of the chocolate tt momo gave me to try melting in my mouth. MMMMMMM MMMM!! A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. momo u better rmb where did u get the choc and bring me there ASAP XD. ok the feeling i love the most? love.

45. What feeling do you hate the most?
- hate.

46. Do you really think it's global warming now?
- duh.

47.Do you like doing quizzes?
- sometimes lol.

48. Do you believe in gods?
- nah. i only believe in one God. lol.

49. Who cares for you the most?
- for u to noe

50. What do you think is the most important thing in your life?
- mmmmm...loads of things. the most impt thing? for me to noe, for u to find out xD

51. What will you bring when you fight?
- PARANG KNIFE. jkjk. i'll bring nth else but my strength.
ps: i dun get myself involved in violent physical fights >.> unless truely necessary to defend someone or perhaps..something?

ppl hu are tagged:
first and foremost..LEWIS POH. now u will have smth to post up. so..NO EXCUSES. lmao.
other than tt...its optional to the rest. (:

Thursday, December 25, 2008



Enjoy this festive season wif ur families

& friends (:

Celebrate the birth of our Saviour

Jesus Christ
! :D

Fill your day with Love (:

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Monday, December 22, 2008

RC1 and RC2 was tiring yet beneficial.
ive recapped and learnt many new stuff during the RCs.
Soft skills and hard skills were tapped on.
Values and Principles were inculcated.
ive learnt alot from my instructors JiaMin and YanRu.
They had the ability to discipline and teach without scolding us.
ok maybe they did sometimes but it aint as much as the other instructors.
thank goodness we got them as our instructors :x
without their guidance, all of us wld have remained lost.
1st day of RC1 i alreadi got scolded by Zhi Guang LOLs.
den 3rd day of RC1 i got scolded by Hui Ping.
1st day of ATC i got reprimanded by YanRu.
1st night of ATC i got reprimanded also by Caine.
im sure there were more scoldings but either way, those scoldings woke me up in different situations and moreover i deserved them anyway.
(cuts everything short)

ATC was when the whole nightmare began.
i was appointed as the tent inspection I/C and to tell u the truth, i really hated myself on the 1st day for being so lost and in one way or another, selfish.
Caine's criticism really woke me up.
and throughout ATC i didnt have a voice to help me accomplish certain stuff.
so i was basically "mute" for the whole camp lol.
u noe it was sooo irritating during those times when i tried to speak and have a great time.
nth comes out but a distorted voice that i doubt anyone cld hear. -.-
blah blah blah....
last day of ATC when we formed a circle.
As expected i didnt get anything frm the instructors again.
But who needs a collar pin to be motivated?
The instructor's words were enuff encourage me to strive harder and soar to greater heights.
Even though i cld not perform to the best of my ability, i gave my best and tt was wad made my performance during the course all the more satisfying.
i managed to widen my comfort zone becoz i pushed myself.
i was able to improve becoz i was willing to learn and accept the help and criticisms frm the instructors.
i realized my strengths and weakenesses.
And best of all, i didnt give up when faced wif the difficult circumstances which wld lead to scoldings and a ruined reputation.
i guess the risks i took were worth it and i can truly say tt i am proud of myself for making tt effort even though more cld have been done.

Amilia and i had been thru the whole tentage fiasco together and made it out successfully.
thx Amilia for being wif me thru the rain and shine and for all the support. (:
i dun tink i wld have make it had it not been ur cheerfulness and enthusiasm that nv failed to help me to loosen up and remind me of how a leader shld deal wif problems calmly.


Jiamin: for bringing smiles to my face and letting me feel less tensed. u seem to be the most approachable CII and thankfully u really are lmao. ive learnt alot frm u, really. And ur words of encouragement..awesome (:

Yanru: I've learnt loads loads loads from u. The values, principles, and learning how to think lectures worked wonders on me. it really widened my mind a whole lot more. now ive so much to share wif my cadets when i go bak to my unit. i like the way u approach things and how u observe each and everyone of us. thx for the motivation tt kept me going throughout the course!

Zhi Guang: dun tink i 4got abt tt toot incident where u scared me wif the toot loud hailer lmao. ok bak to NPCC. i guess without instructors like u the trainees wld have met a worser fate wif their injuries? ure always running around wif the first aid kit during RC. goes to show how serious u are even if the injuries the trainees sustained were minor. it taught me somethin. tt no matter how minor things are, take them seriously becoz minor things can go on to become something major. thx for teaching me tt.

Caine: tt night during ATC, u really woke me up when u told amilia and i tt we sucked at our job. and tt was so so true at tt time lol. both of us were really blur then but u and the other instructors guided us bak. and wad u said to me during the whole "shaking hands session" really made alot of sense and it motivated me to strive harder. thx for tt and the many things u taught me during ATC!

Abdullah: thx for ur support during and b4 the course! sry ive onli got 1 line for u LOLs. dun realli noe how to put it in words but...a very VERYYYYYYY big THANK YOU for everything~
ok now ive got more things to say. thx for the help u gave me b4 ATC started. unlike SOMEONE hu refused to giv me the answer to some questions...u were kind enuff to giv them to me. (:

Vincent: hopefully i made u proud during the course? i did my best and i hope my best was gd enuff. thankfully i listened to ur advice to take this course and i didnt regret attending it at all.
thank you for believing tt i cld do it and thank you for motivating me time and again. wadever u said tt time at sana were one of the things tt kept me going throughout the course and i thank u GREATLY for tt. (:

18 days of challenges and fatigue have finally come to an end.
the journey of our CI life has finally begun.
hiphip hooray!

To my squad Aplha~
Our squad is a superbly special squad.
For the past generations of CIBTC squads, they were all Alphas then when it came to the 75th year, Aplha was born all becoz of our baton awardee Kevin lmao.
even though there were times when it seemed soo bleak, we spurred each other on till we reached the finishing line of the course.
wif jokes and countdowns, time seemed to fly so fast.
ytd we were blur trainees all rusty and unrefined. today, we are CIs, brand new.
we came in the course as strangers and left the course as friends.
its just amazing how 18 days of torture bonded us together to have a relationship tt seemed to have lasted for 18mths.
i just want to go bak for another 18 days of course again!
ok im crazy LOLs.
anyways, we didnt have a squad cheer unlike the rest, we weren't the most prominent squad in the batch. But all tt doesnt matter for the other squads can never share the bond we had with each other.

I'll never forget the times i had with u guys~